What's next?

I can't stop counting the days till our next trip... this time we are heading to Italy(again). It's gonna be awesome! Will update you on the places we visit there, but in the meantime, it is time to check up if we got everything needed for a pleasant stay... 
Hotels? No, thanks! We have reserved two amazing Airbnb houses well in advance and we just can't wait to see the famous Italian hospitality in action :) 
Bus tickets? No way! Nowadays it is much cheaper to travel by air... you just need to know how to get the best airline fare deals... in our case we booked our flights for just 34 EUR (return flight Sofia-Bari) per person... can you beat that? 
Rental Car? Checked! Plus we get an insurance to cover us fully if something happens... Did you know that you may get much cheaper rates if you book your car online? Check up here... 

Swimshorts and Flip-Flops? Checked! Ready to go in 4 days!

Hopefully Puglia will beat Sicily... Here is  nice memo from our last trip to Sicily:


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